Joensuu Bunker Museum
Joensuu Bunker Museum is Marjala district, some 7 km from the city centre toward Kuopio. There’s a sign guiding to the museum at the Marjala interchange. The museum exhibits the structure of the Salpa Line.
Fortification of the Marjala area began on 27 August 1940. The intention was to build three concrete bunkers at the south end of the Höytiäinen canal. By the beginning of the Continuation War, two of them were ready – a combined anti-tank and machine-gun bunker and infantry shelter for 20 men, and another machine-gun bunker and infantry shelter for 20 men. The former of these has it’s original weaponry. The other bunker houses an exhibition on how the Salpa Line was built. Other constructions in the area include trenches, machine gun nests and anti-tank obstacles.
Open: June – August, Tue-Sun at 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Further info:
Virrantaus 7
FI-80140 Joensuu