Möhkö Ironworks Museum, exhibition on military history
Whereas the main theme of the Ironworks Museum is to demonstrate processing of limonite into iron, its exhibition “Möhkö in War” showcases the stages of the Winter War and the Continuation War as experienced in the Möhkö area. The exhibition shows us the people amidst the war, the fate of the evacuees, the shortage of supplies and the reconstruction after the war.
Address: Möhköntie 209, FI-82980 Möhkö. Telephone +358 50 342 8825.
www.mohkonruukki.fi and www.mohko.net
Opening hours:
May and August: Tue-Sun 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., June and July: daily at 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Möhköntie 209
FI-82980 Möhkö