Jaama Round-trip Trail 47.7km
The Jaama trail in Joensuu and Kontiolahti areas is best suitable for cycling, because it runs on roads. It starts from central Joensuu, and visits six beaches and the Höytiäinen channel and Jaamankangas before circling back to the town centre.
The starting point is in the tourist harbour, “Joensuun matkustajasatama”. The route runs on paved and gravel roads, narrow roads, forest trails, and on even ground on Jaamankangas, but on Ukonharju and Utranharju ridges, you’ll go up and down the hills.
You’ll see urban nature, a river and lakes, groves, a delta area by the Höytiäinen channel, dry pine heath, spruce forests and ridges.
Further info: www.joensuu.fi, www.kontiolahti.fi
Hiking guide in Finnish: Pohjois-Karjalan vaellusreittiopas, Edita 2004.
Driving instructions: There are good signs to the harbour: Joensuun matkustajasatama.

Joensuun matkustajasatama / Joensuu harbour