Hiking Trails in Joutseno, approx. 70km
There’s a vast network of hiking trails around the Joutseno population centre. Many trails run in the vicinity of Myllymäki ski centre. One trail runs via Hinkanranta, following the shoreline of Saimaa to the Imatra Spa. Another branch takes you via Kähärilä village to Soskua floodgate, the Saimaa Canal.
The trail to Myllymäki starts from the water tower, near the Town Hall. Firstly, the trail will follow main road 6. After about 4km, it will branch off. One of the trails runs to Hinkanranta and the other to Myllymäki.
The trails around Myllymäki ski centre have many lean-tos, parking areas and services.
The second branch runs on the west side of Myllymäki in Vesikkola, where there’s an open Lapp hut owned by a local hunting club. There’s a campfire site and a well. North of Vesikkola, at Katralampi, there’s another lean-to, and one by Kiukaanlampi on your way back.
The trail to Hinkanranta and Imatra will branch of the Myllymäki trail network at Ukonhauta. The trail crosses the main road and the track, and arrives to Hinkanranta, by Lake Saimaa. You can swim in the lake, and there’s a café and a sauna open in summer. You don’t need to book the sauna bath in advance.
The trail continues via Jähiälä village through fields to Lapinsuo. From there, you can make a short detour to a lean-to. Next, there’s the Valkamalahti beach. The trail ends at Imatra Spa. The distance from the water tower to the Spa is 24km.
One of the trail starts from Joutseno sports centre and runs via Ahvenlampi to south. It ends 15km away at Soskua floodgate, the Saimaa Canal. Midway in Himanmäki, there’s a lean-to, and a Lapp hut that can be booked in advance.
Further info:
Driving instructions:
Both Joutseno and Imatra Spa have signs on main road 6.