Reposuo Area
Level: (*) one bear
Reposuo is a valuable bird area and a mire conservation site by the Pankakoski village. It’s a great place for observing bird nesting habits and migrating birds. Reposuo is a prime example of the diverse swamp nature in North Karelia.
The terrain in the Reposuo area is full of surprises. An open swamp is followed by ridges and the shoreline of lake Pankajärvi. A simple day trip can offer bird watching, admiration of the diverse swamp nature and berry picking. Early in the summer, the swamp is in bloom, and later in the autumn, the ripening red cranberries can be seen all over. You can find the Ulkkajoki bird watching tower and a couple of campfire sites by the trail.
Reposuo in a Nutshell
Lieksa, North Karelia
Area: 9 km2
Further Info:
Driving Instructions:
The area has three parking areas. Take the Ruunaantie road (5224) from Via Karelia (522) and drive for 2.5 km to reach the Anttonen parking area, or 5 km to reach the Ulkkajoki parking area. The third parking area can be reached by taking the Pankakoskentie road from Via Karelia. Follow the road for 0.4 km and turn left to the Ruukintie road. Drive across the junction, where the road changes into the Niskantie road. After 0.7 km, turn to Niskanranta, where you can find the Kiviniemi parking area after 0,8 km. All the parking areas have the Reposuo sign.
Photo: Heikki Räsänen
Koli Nature Centre Ukko
Tel. 0206 39 5654