Lauttavaara Nature Study Forest
Level (*) One bear
The Lauttavaara Nature Study Forest is used by Metsähallitus to give school groups and other visitors an insight into biodiversity and environmentally friendly forestry methods. You can find it on Via Karelia, some 10 km north of the Kuhmo centre. Other attractions nearby include the Lentuankoski rapids, Lentua Nature Information Hut and Nature Reserve.
Facilities in the Study Forest have particularly been planned for educational purposes, but the area is also very suitable for hikers. The area operates as a natural classroom, where there’s plenty to do and see in all seasons.
The marked nature trail can be the starting point to studies and guided tours, but you can also step off the beaten path. The area is not a nature reserve, so it’s quite fine to take some samples and do some digging – within the boundaries of common sense, everyman’s rights and good manners, of course.
The Lentua Nature Information Hut, the Nature Reserve, and the Nature Trail, which introduces visitors to restoration of forests and mires, are a great combination for camping schools and nature studies.
Lauttavaara in a Nutshell
Kuhmo, Kainuu
Area: 0,5km2
Founded in 2001
Further Info:
Jouni Laaksonen (ed.): Kainuun luontokohdeopas, Edita 2005.
Driving Instructions:
Drive Via Karelia (912) from Kuhmo for about 10 km north and turn west to the Lentuankoskentie road. Drive for 300 m, the Lauttavaara parking area is on the left.
Photo: Jarmo Hyvönen
Kuhmo Visitor Centre Petola