Pöröpeikon polku – Parikkala 30km
In mid 2000s Parikkala had a development project ”Liiku Lintuinmaan luonnossa”. It was about repairing and constructing hiking routes. There are about a hundred kilometres of trails altogether. They are divided in three distinctive parts, each separately introduced. The first part is the 30km stage, Pöröpeikon polku – Parikkala.
The Parikkala trail network starts from the border of the municipality in Peruspohja, from lake Loitumajärvi, east of lake Simpelejärvi. There’s a nature trail called “Pöröpeikon polku”. A connecting trail from the Rautjärvi routes joins there.
The 3km long Pöröpeikon polku trail passes through variable and partly demanding terrain. There are old spruce forests, unique natural formations and fine views by the trail. There’s a parking area at the starting point of the trail by the lake. Pöröpeikon polku is the oldest nature trail in Parikkala.
After the Pörölampi pond, the trail continues toward Parikkala. It runs through spruce forests and narrow roads. After a couple of kilometres, the trail goes up to Ristimäki hill, where there’s a landmark of the Peace Treaty of Nystad from 1722. There’s another on Haukkavuori. At the root of the hill by lake Suuri-Varpanen, there’s a lean-to.
The Soininmäki hill is another great spot on the route. On the top of the hill, there’s a Lapp hut, a well and a spring. The site is an old house yard, and you can still see the stone base of the buildings.
The route continues to Oronmylly holiday and retreat centre, owned by Logos Ministries of Finland. Nearby, there are two hiking trails. The Kyynärpääjoen polku trail is 9.5km long. On route, there are many formations left by the Ice Age, for example the three giant’s kettles by the lean-to in Mälkiämäki. Another lean-to is in Kyynärpääjoki.
The Aate-Pekan polku trail is 3.3km long, and the resting spots are at a lean-to in Vironperä, and a cabin in Suurvuori. The best vantage point is in Suurvuori. The trail has rich birdlife. The starting point is at the Centre.
From Oronmylly, the route first follows a road, so you’ll be better off riding to the Parikkala station by bike.
Further info: www.parikkala.fi, www.oronmylly.fi
Driving instructions: There’s a sign to Parikkala on main road 6. The railway station is by the main street of the church village.

Parikkalan Latupiiat ja -pojat Association