Level: ( * * *) three bears
The Siikalahti wetland on lake Simpelejärvi is the most valuable bird wetland in inner Finland and an internationally appreciated site. In May and June, the mysterious blowing of the Great Bittern or the chorus of nocturnal songbirds is something unforgettable. And thats not all. Situated on the eastern Finland migration route, the Siikalahti wetland is filled with a flurry of activity from April to November.
In the course of one year, you can observe some 200 different bird species in Siikalahti. More than 250 different species have been seen there, and approximately 70 species are nesting in Siikalahti every year. During the migration period, the bird watching towers are a great place to see as many as a hundred species in a day.
The wetlands are not only a paradise for birds. It also attracts many insects and plants. The wetlands and the surrounding forests are a home to over 120 vascular plants, and butterfly counts have resulted in spottings of 875 species, many of which are nocturnal small butterflies, and moths. Siikalahti is also a home to some 20 species of dragonflies.
You can read more about Siikalahti in the section about bird watching towers.
Further Info:
Siikalahti in a Nutshell
Parikkala, South Karelia
Area 445 ha
Driving Instructions:
Siikalahti is about three kilometres from Parikkala centre, on the eastern side of main road 6. The main road has signs to Siikalahti.
Saimaa Nature Centre in Riihisaari
Tel. 0206 39 5929