Säynäjäsuo – Matalasuo Mire Reserve
Level: (* *) two bears
The area is one of the largest swamp areas in Kainuu, with very diversified bird species. Lake Säynäjärvi and smaller ponds add variety. The area is very much in its natural state. There are a vast variety in mire types. Many of them are poor, but there are small lush patches here and there. Wetness varies from dry, poor fens to bog ponds covered in squashy turf, where passing is possible only via weight-bearing strings of growth.
The area is a nesting and resting spot for many birds thriving near bogs, waters and wilderness, some of them rare in Kainuu. Species include red-throated diver, black-throated diver, whooper, smew, northern pintail, broad-billed sandpiper, jack snipe, ruff, crane and many birds of prey.
Säynäjäsuo is a good place for berry-picking, and for mushroom lovers, Syväjärvensärkkä is a good place for finding edible boletus.
There’s a 9km hiking trail, most of which circles into a round-trip trail. The start and the ending are on the same path. When hiking on the dry trail, you won’t get to experience the bog ponds and narrow crossings, but all other typical natural features can be seen from the path.
When the trail enters the reserve area, there are duckboards across the open bog to Säynäjäsuonsaari islands, where the round-trip trail begins. When taking the path anticlockwise, you’ll come to the shore of lake Säynäjäjärvi. From there, the path takes a turn to a more dry land. There’s a hut by the lake Syväjärvi. The trail will go up to Syväjärvensärkkä ridge. This part does not belong to the reserve area. Finally, the trail turns back between lakes Syväjärvi ja Matalajärvi, passing patches of saplings
The area is quite near to Suomussalmi population centre.
The Area in a Nutshell
Suomusalmi, Kainuu
Area: 11km2
Founded in 1988
Further info:
Jouni Laaksonen (ed.): Kainuun luontokohdeopas.
Driving instructions:
Säynäjäsuo is on the western side of Via Karelia(912), by the Jumaliskyläntie road. There’s a clearly marked parking area and an information board.
Photo: Hannu Huttu